





2009-09-25 13:01:37



GM China Plans Science Lab to Research Advanced Vehicle Technologies 通用中国计划建立实验室研究先进汽车技术 GM China Group is establishing a science laboratory in Shanghai that will focus on advanced-propulsion technology battery cells mega-city safety and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) avoidance technology. 通用中国公司正在上海建设一个科学实验室,将致力于先进推进技术、电池技术、信息城市安全技术以及车与车(V2V)避让技术等先进技术的研究。 It also will explore driverless vehicles and lightweight materials. Additionally the science lab will carry out collaborative work with universities and government-run scientific institutions across China. 该实验室还将开发无人驾驶车辆和轻质材料,并与国内一些高校和政府研究机构开展合作研究。 The Shanghai facility to be located in the Jingiao district will be the first major scientific research laboratory established in China by a global auto maker. 这家位于上海金桥区的实验室将是国内首家由跨国汽车公司建立的大型科技研发机构。 “The science lab will be located within the new General Motors International Operations and GM China campus that we are building ? where our offices will be located next year” a GM China spokesman tells Ward’s. “该实验室将位于新通用汽车公司国际运营部和正在建设的通用中国校园内,中国校园的办公地点将在明年确定”,通用中国发言人说。 “(The lab) will be a separate building on the campus and people will be able to start moving in by the end of 2010.” “(该实验室)将是校园中的一个独立大楼,工作人员将在2010年底开始入住。” John Du will lead the new laboratory and has several technicians and scientists reporting to him from different locations. When the facility is operational it will be staffed with up to 100 scientists and utilize the latest advanced scientific equipment. 杜约翰(John Du)先生将领导这家新实验室,将有多名科技人员从不同的工作地点向他汇报。在实验室投入使用后,将有100人的团队在此工作,并将装备最先进的科研设备。 Du who holds multiple degrees in electrical engineering formerly served as general manager of the Intel China Research Center. He is a specialist in networking communications and systems including Internet multicast video-streaming technologies and HDTV development. 杜先生拥有电气工程方面的多个学位,曾经在英特尔中国研发中心公司担任总经理职务。他是网络、通讯和系统研发方面的专家,包括互联网多点传送视频流技术和HDTV的开发。 New science lab to be located within new GM International Operations and GM China campus currently under construction. “Our vision for the China science lab is to be recognized as a world-class R&D organization that will help drive GM’s automotive business into the future” says Alan Taub General Motors Co. vice president-global research and development who was in China for the announcement. 新实验室将位于新通用国际运营部和在建的通用中国校园内。“我们中国实验室远景是成为公认的世界级研发机构,将帮助通用汽车的业务驶入未来。”通用汽车公司负责全球研发的副总裁Alan Taub在中国宣称。 Says Kevin Wale GM China president and managing director: “Through the China science lab we will leverage the country’s outstanding research talent together with GM’s extensive resources to come up with new innovations for the benefit of vehicle users around the globe.” 通用中国总裁和首席执行官Kevin Wale说:“通用中国实验室,我们将利用中国杰出的研发人才,结合通用丰富的资源,为全球的汽车用户开发新技术。” At the news conference GM China demonstrated next-generation ultra-compact V2V transponders used in avoidance systems and other applications. The transponders are portable can be carried by pedestrians and cyclists and will be priced at about $100 the auto maker says. 在新闻发布会上,通用中国展示了下一代用于车辆避让系统和其他应用系统的微型V2V收发器,该收发器易于携带,可以供行人、骑车人携带,价格大约在100美元左右,该汽车制造商说。 The communication- and wireless-based transponders support automated safety features such as lane-change alert blindspot detection forward collision warning with automatic braking and intersection-collision warning. As the official sponsor of the Shanghai Expo 2010 World Expo GM China and partner Shanghai Automotive Industrial Corp. will display at the show advanced technologies that will apply in the year 2030 including GM’s V2V system. 这种基于无线通讯技术的收发器支持自动安全功能,如并线提醒、盲点检测、碰撞预警,并具有自动制动和交叉路口碰撞警示功能。作为2010年上海世博会的官方赞助商,通用中国及其合作伙伴上海汽车工业集团公司将在世博会上展示一些将于2030年投入使用的先进技术,包括通用公司的V2V系统。 “During Expo 2010 GM China and our partner SAIC will introduce our vision for the future of urban transportation” Wale says. “We envision a future in which vehicle emissions traffic congestion and accidents are all in the past and…driving is more fun and exciting than ever before.” “在2010年世博会期间,通用中国和我们的合作伙伴上汽集团(SAIC)将推出我们对于未来城市交通的展望”,Wale说,“我们预想着美好的未来,那时,汽车排放、交通堵塞、交通事故都已成为过去,以及......,驾驶比任何时候都更加愉悦。”

【来源:Vince Courtenay】



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